
17 March 2018The Voyage of The Hector - Ensemble Weekend

17th & 18th March at Nairn Community & Arts Centre

Fèis Inbhir Narainn were delighted to have top musicians John Somerville, Graham Mackenzie and Rachel Newton lead this weekend of interactive ensemble music-making based around the musical suite 'Voyage of the Hector'.  This event was based on a similar one run by John Somerville previously, and was attended by 18 amatuer musicians, three of whom were under eighteen.The two days of instruction was intense, but enjoyed hugely by all concerned. The mix of instruments (fiddle, whistle, small pipes, clarsach, accordion, keyboard, banjo, guitar) produced a wonderful sound.

The speaker at the evening concert rounding off the weekend was Nairn author Hugh Allison, who spoke of the joy, hardship and hope of the Hector passengers. This set the scene of the voyage and its participants, and rounded off the weeeknd nicely.

Fèis Inbhir Narainn are hugely grateful to Friends of Highland Music for their help in funding this exciting event. All those participating reported that they would happily do so again in similar circumstances.

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